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Shadowscapes Tarot


HE IS WISE and understanding. He knows the meaning of patience. Like the sea turtles that swim at his side, he guides the way with a steady calm through the ever-shifting uncertainties of the vast ocean depths. He reads the knowledge of the centuries that has been etched into the patterns on their shells, and drink in that gift with every breath taken of the water that flows in and around them all. The waters grow still and peaceful in his presence The cerulean swells sparkle with a gemlike clarity.,

The sea horse is a symbol of the power of Poseidon and is imbued with the tireless strength of the sea. He is a patient creature, swimming through the swells at his own fluid pace. He follows the currents. However, his grace is armored by the spines of his exoskeleton, and that sinuous delicacy should not be underestimated, for the male sea horse is the protector of the young.

Like the sea horse, the King of Cups is a protector. He cares for and watches over all those who are near to him. He offers a drink from his healing waters. He offers compassion and care. His message is to let the currents flow through your veins to cleanse your heart of its burdens. He is patient and tolerant, and understands that all aspects and needs of the people around him must be balanced.